Reshaping Retiree Health Care Through a Private Exchange Strategy
The health care market has undergone more profound changes in the past five years than it experienced during the entire preceding 50-year period.
Many unprecedented factors are now at play that are impacting the way employers structure their health care benefits.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), an overall decline in the health of Americans, and the aging of our population are all creating strong financial incentives for employers to rethink their health care investments in hopes of achieving a better return. This includes evaluating changes to their health care strategies for both pre-65 and Medicare-eligible retirees.
Plan sponsors are reevaluating private retiree exchanges because of the benefits they offer to both plan sponsors and retirees. These exchanges immediately reduce plan sponsors’ administrative and premium subsidy costs with little retiree disruption. They also allow employers to provide retirees with enhanced choice and value, including more capability to right-size their coverage to meet their individual health care and financial needs.
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