Insurance investors are continually balancing long-term strategic investment objectives with short-term tactical risks and opportunities. With a constantly evolving and increasingly complex investment opportunity set, many are now:

  • Re-evaluating strategic asset allocations to increase diversification, maximise returns and mitigate risk; and
  • Assessing how best to identify and execute short-term tactical positions.
What we do

Aon’s strategic investment advisers and asset management experts help insurers be better informed and better advised to meet the rapidly changing and increasingly complex challenges impacting investment portfolios.

Working with Aon, insurance investors can expect:

  • More resource and support to manage portfolios
  • Access to better, more sophisticated, investment ideas and expertise
  • To respond more quickly to market events, risks and opportunities
  • Simplified, ESG-aligned investment governance
  • Cost efficiencies and competitive asset manager fees.
“Economic and market volatility, geopolitical uncertainty and a higher inflation environment – all are calling on insurers to urgently reassess their portfolio resilience, investment exposures and asset allocation strategy. Every day, we are supporting insurers to do this and better position their portfolios for higher returns and greater risk tolerance.”

Geoff Bauer

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Our specialisms include:

  • Investment Consulting - strategic and tactical investment advice and strategies tailored to insurance portfolios of all types and sizes
  • Asset Allocation - economic and capital markets research and analysis
  • Investment Manager Research - in-depth research and monitoring of investment managers and funds
  • Responsible Investment - ESG integration strategies, engagement and stewardship, net zero and impact investing.
Why work with us

We bring the best of both strategic investment and asset management expertise to our insurance clients’ portfolios, advising $4tn of institutional assets globally and managing portfolios with assets of $150bn on a delegated investment basis.

As one of the world’s leading risk capital services firms, we have deep knowledge and experience of both insurance and capital markets. We are also among the world’s largest investment firms.

Our size and market position means insurers can also benefit from our robust investment operations capability, better investment ideas and buying power to secure competitive fees from asset managers.


Talk to Our Team

Aon is in the Business of Better Decisions