Company Multiple
The Aon damage department is in charge of preventing and protecting companies, individuals and assets that can be insured against risk, whether it is fire, meteorological risks or civil liability. Its purpose is to reduce damages in case of an accident and provide support to the insured during a crisis.
Hydro Meteorological Insurance
This insurance is additional to fire insurance and protects real estate from hurricanes, floods, avalanches and tsunamis.
This insurance is based on indemnification for damage and loss caused by fire, explosion, fulmination or an accident of similar nature. This product was created for real estate owners that wish to protect their property and contents against fire.
Air, Land and Sea Transport Insurance
This insurance covers indemnification for damages to and loss of furniture and objects during transportation.
Civil Liability Insurance
The goal of General Civil Liability Insurance is to comply with legal obligations acquired by the insured in case of accidents in which he/she is involved and that affect third parties. These legal obligations can be the result of damages to third party or damages to third party's assets.