Den nyeste viden om modstandsdygtighed på arbejdspladsen.
Få indsigt i den nyeste viden om, hvilke områder der er vigtige, når du vil opbygge modstandsdygtighed hos dine medarbejdere.
Becoming a rising, resilient business
Employers are used to investing in benefits packages and health insurance as tools for attracting and retaining the right talent, but in the modern day, employees and society expect intelligent alignment with their needs, from social wellness to professional development and mindset growth. And those who do invest in their teams may stand to gain so much more.
Diversitet, lighed og inklusion på arbejdspladsen
At advokere for diversitet, lighed og inklusion (’DE&I’) er ikke et nyt tema for mange organisationer – men eksterne faktorer genforstærker behovet for en robust DE&I strategi og accelerer presset på organisationen for at handle og rapporterer om DE&I-mål.
2021 Global Wellbeing Survey
Indtil nu, har leddet mellem medarbejdertrivsel og selskabets præstation været uklar, men Aon’s 2021 globale trivselsundersøgelse undersøger netop dette direkte led mellem medarbejdertrivsel og forretnings præstation.
Building a future-ready business alongside your employees
Business sustainability is being challenged by forces outside of business control and with employee expectations changing, and public scrutiny growing — many businesses are having to undergo great transformations today to make sure they remain resilient tomorrow. Those that succeed in changing course, involve their employees in the process, so that their people, purpose and potential align.