Access to reinsurance market
White Rock assists clients who need licensed insurance in the European Economic Area (EEA) to access reinsurance markets.White Rock can write all non-life classes of business, except for compulsory classes, within the EEA under Freedom of Services (passporting) and can also issue non-admitted insurance cover in territories where it is permissible to do so.

- Efficient fronting arrangements
- Fast movement of funds
- Contract certainty for terms and conditions
- Capital efficiency
- Program design alignment
- Access to coverage that may be available in the reinsurance market that is not available from direct insurers
- Access to reinsurance market can reduce the overall cost of premiums
- Speed of set up
White Rock's fronting solution is available in the following domiciles:
- Bermuda
- District of Columbia
- Gibraltar (for EEA direct writing on a Freedom of Services basis; access to terrorism pools available)
- Guernsey (on a non-admitted basis)
- Isle of Man
- Malta (for EEA direct writing on a Freedom of Services basis)