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Property Damage & Business Interruption

Property Damage & Business Interruption

In order to protect your assets and balance sheet, Aon offers standard as well as tailor-made property damage and business interruption programs.

Our team of property experts works closely with you to :

  • understand your business and business strategies
  • identify your risk exposures and needs

in order to provide you the best insurance solution in terms of protection and total cost of risk.

In addition to our transactional activities, Aon gives you also a professional advice and support as respects

  • program design strategy
  • coverage analysis
  • coverage issues like terrorism, natural catastrophes or machinery breakdown
  • risk retention
  • captive implementation in collaboration with Aon Global Risk Consulting
  • risk engineering with the support of Aon Global Risk Control (Aon’s risk control engineers provide you professional advise about risk protection, assess your risk profile and identify key property and business exposures)
  • benchmark
  • markets developments
  • international programs (compliance with local legislations, pools, tax issues)

Business Interruption

The business interruption coverage provides you an insurance solution for the financial losses, as a consequence of a covered property damage, which will impact your profit, market share, growth and shareholders.

During the chosen indemnity period, the insurance intervenes until your financial situation becomes what it would have been if the claim did not occur.

The business interruption insurance will indemnify the continuing expenses, the loss of net profit and the additional costs incurred to minimize the loss.

Coverage extensions

Standard business interruption solutions must be adapted to your business environment. Contingent business interruption has taken on much greater importance for many businesses as more companies have outsourced a portion of their manufacturing, logistics and services and have increased reliance on outside suppliers.

Aon offers you an insurance solution through Contingent Business Interruption or Suppliers and Customers Extensions which covers the financial losses caused by a covered property damage occurring at the premises of a supplier or customer.

Aon provides you advice and support to the identification of the key suppliers, the supply chain management in order to obtain appropriate coverage and limit.


The standalone Terrorism policy insures the property (real and personal) against physical loss or damage by an act or series of acts of terrorism or sabotage.

This insurance can be extended to the consequential losses (extra expenses, rental value or business interruption) resulting directly from a physical loss or damage.

Aon has a special, dedicated and unique team providing advices on terrorism issues and updates on market trends.

Other products

Aon offers customized products as respects:

  • machinery breakdown
  • computer all risks