What's Being Covered?
Below are details of the customized coverages that Aon PROtect offers exclusively to UAP associate stores. If your policy renews within the next 60 days, please call us to have an Aon representative review the coverages and optional limits available under this program.
Property insurance
Coverage on building and contents of every description (including computer and related material). Featuring:
- Business interruption
- Flood and earthquake
- Building damage by theft
- Automatic coverage for newly acquired locations
- By-laws
- Accounts receivables
- Outdoor property
- Exterior signage
- Fire protection
- and more
Boiler and machinery insurance
Protection against equipment breakdown that is critical to conducting your business. Featuring:
- Ammonia contamination
- Expediting expense
- Hazardous substance
- Automatic coverage for newly acquired locations
- By-laws
- Pollution clean up and removal
- Business interruption
- and more
Crime insurance
Protection against fraud, forgery, employee dishonesty.Featuring:
- Employee dishonesty
- Loss of money: securities from inside the premises
- Loss of money: securities from outside the premises
- Money orders and counterfeit paper currency
- Depositors forgery
- Third party computer and funds transfer fraud
- Credit card forgery
- Incoming cheque forgery
- Theft of customer property by employee
General liability
Provides protection against the legal hassles associated with accidents, injuries and claims of negligence. Featuring:
- Bodily injury and property damage liability
- Personal injury and advertising injury liability
- Medical payments
- Tenants legal liability
- Employers liability
- Fire fighting expenses
- Accidental and unintentional pollution loss
- Non-owned automobile
- Damage to hired automobiles
- Contractual liability
- and more
Optional umbrella liability insurance
Provides additional protection when primary limits are exhausted.
Commercial automobile insurance
Individual and fleet rates available.