Harness the power of the bigger picture to
make better decisions
COVID-19 Reshape and Recover
Business leaders who have grappling with the challenges wrought by COVID-19, are now faced with a new set of challenges as they look to open up their businesses. As organisations reshape their operations to mitigate the new risks the pandemic has brought about - from their people to their bottom lines, they must also make decisions about next steps in a fluid and uncertain environment where the longer-term horizon is still evolving.
In our COVID-19 whitepaper we provide insights which focus at the following business recovery actions;
- Protect People & Assets
- Balance Sheet Protection
- Maintain or Increase Revenue
- Cost Management
- Revisit Business Strategy
Decision Making In Complex & Volatile Times:
Keys to Managing COVID-19
Decisions can’t be made based on what was known yesterday. Rather, decision-making must be driven by continually refreshing understanding of what is known today and recalibrating understanding of how tomorrow is being reshaped by today.
Leaders must have the right mindset, the most relevant information at hand and the decision-making frameworks in place to manage a great deal of uncertainty while also preparing for the future. This enhances the ability of the firm to put their best foot forward at every stage, even when in uncharted waters. This is what resilience looks like.
In this report, we explore the cyclical nature of COVID-19’s event arc and then lay out a comprehensive response framework that helps to build the right mindsets, create flexibility and execute meaningful actions for both the short and long term.
Download full reportYou can either react to a reputation event or be proactive for when it occurs — and it inevitably will occur. React and you’re in danger of losing control of the event’s narrative, which will damage your brand and your shareholder value.
Be proactive, however, and embrace and respond to those adverse events and you’ll find the market not only forgives but may also reward.
Dr Deborah PrettyFounder, Pentland Analytics
Fill in your details to download the full report
On Demand Webinar
COVID-19: Workforce strategies
Wherever you are in EMEA, uncertainty prevails. Effective planning depends on being able to forecast the future as well as possible – so how can employers do this, so that they strike the optimal balance between preserving business interests and protecting the safety of their people? This webinar tackles these issues.
On Demand Webinar
COVID-19: Managing cyber threats
Many organisations have successfully maintained continuity of operations during the pandemic by shifting to a remote workforce. Unfortunately, threat actors are capitalising on vulnerabilities in this new virtual workplace, and cyber attacks are on the rise.
On Demand Webinar
COVID-19: Business recovery planning
At this stage of the COVID-19 crisis, some organisations are turning their attention towards recovery. But what impact will a potentially uncharacteristic ebb and flow of demand have on an organisation’s ability to accurately plan for the future? This webinar discusses this issue, and also welcomes Tara McCarthy, CEO of Bord Bia (The Irish Food Board), who shares insights into how the food and agriculture industry is reacting, responding, recovering and reshaping in light of the pandemic.
On Demand Webinar
COVID-19: What have we learnt so far?
As some countries in Asia show signs of emerging from this crisis, our latest webinar asks what lessons can organisations in EMEA learn from Asia to help them manage the impact of COVID-19? We also hear from our crisis management team about some of the measures they have seen companies in EMEA take.
Welcome to the
C-Suite Series
We are living in a time of unprecedented volatility, with trends in economics, demographics and geopolitics compounded by the rapid pace of technological change. At Aon, we bring together the most forward-thinking minds to solve these global challenges.
Gathering our expertise in identifying, quantifying and managing risk, this series offers strategic support and in-depth analysis to help business leaders harness the power of the bigger picture and move forward with confidence.