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C-Suite Series
We are living in a time of unprecedented volatility, with trends in economics, demographics and geopolitics compounded by the rapid pace of technological change. At Aon, we bring together the most forward-thinking minds to solve these global challenges.
Gathering our expertise in identifying, quantifying and managing risk, this series offers strategic support and in-depth analysis to help business leaders harness the power of the bigger picture and move forward with confidence.
Credit Solutions
Uncertainty is the order of the day for business leaders internationally, and yet the pressure on executives to deliver top- and bottom-line growth is unrelenting.
The challenges they face are stark. Global economic growth is set to fall to its lowest level since the financial crisis of more than a decade ago; international trade is falling sharply; corporate insolvencies are on the rise for the first time since the crisis; and earnings are slumping.
Driving growth through uncertain times
The hidden gemstone
This report investigates how credit insurance solutions can help businesses to drive growth despite global unpredictability. We talk to experts from a range of industries to find out what challenges they face, how businesses can adopt insurance products to stay ahead, and how the insurance industry is responding with new services and expertise.
Download full reportWhen you wake up in the morning, you never know exactly what happened during the night in terms of threats of new sanctions, increased customs tariffs, and an increase in trade barriers – some of them totally unexpected... trade is based on trust, and the enemy of developing trade is uncertainty.
Wilfried Verstraete, President and Chairman of the Management Board, Euler Hermes
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COVID-19 Cashflow on demand webinar
The COVID-19 outbreak has caused a substantial shock to supply and demand, leading to significant cash flow and liquidity challenges for many organisations. This on demand webinar discusses some of the actions that companies might want to consider taking to help them manage the impact of these challenges.
Volatility is here to stay:
In this unrelenting volatile environment, how can businesses mitigate the risk of the bold decisions and new investments required to push the boundaries with innovation?