
Insights from India's Business - HR Alignment Practices

Q. What works better in the hunt for the next CEO, promoting internal or external candidates?
A. We run a study called Top Companies for Leaders, and the successful companies are those that have a strong pipeline of internal leaders to step in. There are times when there is a significant change in strategy, when the best practice would be to bring an outsider, but those events are rare; 75% of the time, the best opportunity for the company is to have a CEO who was developed internally.

Q. What are India's HR-related challenges?
A. In my observation, the real focus in India is on working for the large companies as there is a certain status associated with that. But there is also good talent that needs to be going to the start-up companies, where there is innovation to beat the rest of the world in terms of economic activity that tends to come harder in large companies. In the US, one of the key drivers for success has been entrepreneurialismreneurial. That mix really holds people and we have found it to be successful.

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