
Overcoming the Changing Face of India's Workforce

Unique improvement drivers within Best Employers:
Baby boomers:
Generation X: Generation Z: Males: Females:
Work processes Pay


Managing performance Generation Y: Resources Brand alignment Organization
  Work tasks   Senior leadership  

Top Companies are more likely to use measures such as:

  • Diversity within the leadership pipeline
  • Number of diverse candidates in the successor pool
  • Placement of diverse candidates
  • Diversity in the high-potential pool
To evaluate the success of processes such as:
  • The company's progress
  • Strategic leadership progress
  • Succession management process
  • Effectiveness of the high-potential process

Overall Views of their Organizations
It is important to take a step back and consider the more high level opinions that employees have of their organizations. For instance, 1 in 3 employees is considering leaving their company. This figure is not gender-specific, but it is slightly lower for Baby Boomers, with only 1 in 4 considering leaving. This is clearly a very large proportion of the workforce, which re-emphasizes the importance of organizations focusing on driving engagement within
their employees.However, a very positive finding is that 4 out of 5 employees feel that their companies inspire them to do their best work every day. Again, these findings are not gender-specific. Baby Boomers responded even more positively than other generations, with 88% of respondents feeling this way.Equally positive is the finding that across all generations and both genders, employees are very likely to feel that their company's practices help them achieve the work-life balance they desire, with at least 70% of respondents agreeing to this across all demographics. This indicates that with a few targeted initiatives or changes, organizations can ensure that their employees are very satisfied at work.



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