
The Transience of Tenor: How the IT Industry can Cope

from the market. If an employee stays longer than three years in the organization and progresses up to a level of senior management, the employee is cost-eff ective as well as helps the organization to retain the knowledge built over the years within the fi rm. Hence, from a cost perspective, promoting leaders coming from within DNA of an organization looks like a more favorable option than to hire talent from outside. This is only possible if companies start investing in learning & development initiatives at the entry level bands in the organizations. This also ties in with the fact that large and mature organizations have started leadership development programs for campus recruits and give them the opportunities across all the major functions to help them develop a holistic understanding of the organization.

Looking at Tier 2 & Tier 3 Cities Diff erently
HR leaders and business leaders today are trying to fi nd new and innovative ways to tackle the high attrition rates by exploring solutions which have a long-term impact on business. For this very reason, organizations today are shifting some percentage of employee bases to Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities. Apart from the obvious cost factor, it is presumed that Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities have more stickiness as compared to Tier 1 cities. Primary research within the Aon database throws light on the validity of this assumption.
Interestingly and not to our surprise we found that across diff erent sectors (IT services, IT products, thirdparty service providers and banking GICs) covered as a part of our primary research, attrition rates are lower in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities with overall average tenure higher as compared to Tier 1 cities. Moving to Tier 2 and Tier 3 city helps management control attrition but more importantly reduce cost as the talent available is prepared to work closer to hometown at much lesser cost as compared to any Tier 1 city.

IT Services


Source: Aon Hewitt Research


Source: Aon Hewitt Research


Source: Aon Hewitt Research


Source: Aon Hewitt Research

Reward Mechanism to Increase Employee Tenure in the Organization

Maintaining the right balance between Tier 2 & 3 and Tier 1 cities is the newest solution to de-risk attrition rate and control cost. This change however, requires some prerequisites such as – assessment of the potential cities for availability of relevant talent; cost of setting up operations in the city; political and economic stability of the chosen city.
However, moving people across diff erent cities is not the only solution to address the issue of controlling attrition and increasing employee tenure. There are other rewards and non-rewards aspects that organizations need



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The Transience of Tenor: