
Trend Check

Salary Increase Survey 2015-16: India's New Normal


The decadal story of India refl ects a sign of maturity. Irrespective of market sentiments, fi rms in India continue to adopt a cautious approach and do not get swayed away by market led good or not to encouraging news. While 2012, policy paralysis was at its highest and the market sentiment were low or 2015 - where there was the euphoria of a new government and promising future, India Inc. has chosen to stay fairly flat.
While India Inc. continues to be optimistic yet cautious - historical low base of salary and the need to stay competitive in the Asia Pacifi c region allows India to still continue to be the highest projecting country.


In spite of adopting a cautious approach, fi rms still believe maintaining market competitiveness of pay levels and diff erentiation rewards for key talent are the top 2 rewards challenges

  • As organizations try to move away from a socialistic approach, diff erentiating rewards for key talent and ensuring competitiveness in pay levels is increasingly topping the charts as a reward challenge
At 1.7X, the year-on-year salary increase for top performers continues to increase
  • Decline in salary increase for low performers is becoming the trend
  • Services sector was observed to provide a greater diff erentiation to top raters as compared to manufacturing




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