
The New Normal: India's Salary Increase Story

Sagorika Roy
Senior Consultant,
Aon Hewitt

Lalit Gurnani
Aon Hewitt

Compensation has always been an extremely sensitive topic for rewards and HR professionals. Salary increase management used to constitute a lion's share in a rewards professional's work-life. Market intelligence and sentiments used to drive budgets and oscillating economic performance in India was closely connected to the salary increases offered. Market sentiments decided budgets - almost irrespective of a firm's affordability, business outlook and talent availability. However, in the past 5 years, we have observed a sea change in how rewards and HR professionals are looking at annual salary increases. This is not just limited to decisions on annual salary increase budgets but also on how performance is differentiated, the kind of attrition that is causing alarm and whether headcount size is defining the budgets.

The decadal review showcases that the first five years fluctuated significantly with peaks and troughs. However, starting 2012, it's almost a plateauing line. Today India Inc. has adopted a far more mature outlook in managing salaries. While smartly managing wage bill is the key objective of organizations, what really dictates the salary increase number is the availability of employable talent. The study shows that there is limited correlation between inflation and GDP.
This reflects a pragmatic approach adopted by corporate India towards pay increases. Companies across industries continue to take a cautious stand and are not moving towards aggressive pay increases. What really is driving salary increase is 'Pay for Performance'. This is true for both differentiated fixed pay increases and high payouts in the form of bonus.

What are the Various Industries Offering?
The 20th Aon Salary Increase Survey reveals that sectors like life sciences, media and consumer products are projecting a higher increase than the market average. These industries have also consistently led the salary increase numbers since 2012. What stands out are the 'early stage companies/startups.' In spite of being in the pre-profit stage for over three years, most of these companies continue to have an extremely aggressive stand on pay. At 15.6% salary increase projected for 2016, they feature as number one.

Increasing Focus on Talent and Merit
Over the last few years, while employee expectations have gone up, Aon Hewitt's research shows that companies are managing these higher expectations carefully and are not getting swayed by them. The focus on performance differentiation is far higher with a larger proportion of defined budgets being allocated to higher performers. Across the board, top performers are expected to get 1.8 times the salary increase awarded to average performers. This differentiation is even higher in most service industries such as Banking and other Financial Services (BFSI) and ITeS as well as other industries like Fast Moving Consumer Goods/ Fast Moving Consumer Durables (FMCG/ FMCD). The



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The New Normal: India's Salary Increase Story