
The Emergence of the Control Function

stakeholders globally. They are now tasked with the responsibility of ensuring there is constant evaluation and identification of methods to reduce risk. This job enrichment has led to blurring of the lines between risk team in the front offices and the captive centers. This is clearly manifested in the decreasing gap in pay between the front offices and the captives. The junior professional roles have not undergone any change which is the reason why we witness the same disparity in compensation, but at the senior management levels we witness the gap reducing by approximately 30%.

This evolution has been coupled with a change in the structure of the risk teams as well. The risk teams are re-aligning themselves into a three tier structure. The different tiers could be classified as

a. Tier 1 comprises activities which are repetitive and tend to take place on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis

b. Tier 2 comprises routine activities which would include defining criteria that determine if a risk has been managed or a control operated in line with internal procedures or external compliance regulations

c. Tier 3 comprises collaborative activities that are aimed at bringing an organizational or group perspective to these testing and monitoring activities

The risk roles are also evolving and are slowly moving to the Tier 3 activities, where the risk functions are acting as an extension of the front office teams and supporting them in the entire risk management activities. Global In-house Centers (GICs) across the board are traversing this journey and are in different stages of evolution. The existing team sizes have gone up by 29% and are expected to further increase this year.

This change in the work profile is also accompanied by a different talent sourcing strategy. Talent sourcing has evolved from hiring basic graduates for operational roles to hiring post-graduates and qualified professionals looking for analytical profiles. This is manifested in the employee demographics that we witness across the functions.

What is in it for the Future?

The evolution of talent in the risk function is likely to continue towards analytics and collaboration. The adoption of technology and digitization of processes would lead to the basic functions being automated, thereby leading to a reduced workforce. The future talent pool will potentially be trained data scientists with mathematical and statistical knowledge who can convert large volumes of data into actionable insights. As organizations search for the best candidates for these positions, they will likely find themselves competing directly with technology firms. Building cooperative relationships with universities and financial-technology companies will probably help banks gain access to this talent. To win these candidates, the risk function will need to reshape its employee value proposition and tailor it to these new recruits. A holistic Total Rewards approach needs to be adopted to engage with the new and diverse talent.



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The Emergence of the Control Function