Risk Services

Aon Risk Services

This is our business division that specializes on risk management and insurance and bonds brokerage. We provide you advise to analyze and design you risk program and select the ideal insurance or bonds company, and we offer you legal and technical advise for accident claims.

Company Multiple 

The Aon damage department is in charge of preventing and protecting companies, individuals and assets that can be insured against risk, whether it is fire, meteorological risks or civil liability. Its purpose is to reduce damages in case of an accident and provide support to the insured during a crisis.


At Aon we focus on offering effective solutions. To that end, we have created a wide range of products to help protect your business against any event that could harm the executive, legal or credit areas, and to maintain the loyalty of your employees.

Specialty Lines 

At Aon we are familiar with the financial risks faced by businesses and we are fully committed to taking care of their economic interests. This is why we have designed specific products to offer complete solutions that will protect industrial, commercial and service companies (including financial institutions) against different eventualities.


Aon's aviation division supports  and helps our customers grow, covering every aspect of the aviation sector. We provide the best service and we develop efficient risk-management strategies, offering a fast and timely service for your business to grow.

Risk Control 

Every business may suffer losses due to unexpected events that can put them at risk. Fortunately, most of these events can be prevented. In risk control we are convinced that having a good risk prevention and accident mitigation program will help to reduce operational costs when minimizing risks and exposure and any costs associated with the event. 

Business Continuity Plans 

Aon's business continuity services integrate a general process that identifies potential effects that could threaten your organization. They provide a framework to safeguard employees' integrity, shareholders' and investors' interests, the company's name, brand and actions that generate value for our customers.

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