Aon  |  Professional Services
Key Insights - Q2 2023

Welcome to the 2023 Q2 Aon Law Firm Advisory. The risks and challenges of firm leadership continues to grow as the use of AI, cyber-attacks and client confidentiality breaches further dot the landscape of the practice of law. Law firm leadership and management need to be on top of these issues, be willing to eliminate risks where possible, and continue to work to protect their firms and their clients’ information and reputations. A robust team of professionals trained to assist in these challenges is a must.

To our clients, thank you for the opportunity to serve you. Aon prides itself on our unique ability to be your trusted advisor.

Enjoy the read.

The Professional Services Practice at Aon values your feedback. To discuss the specific topics raised in the Law Firm Management Advisory, please contact the authors through links at the end of each article.

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