Aon Global Account Management System

Aon Global Account Management System

The Aon Global Account Management system (GAMS) provides our multinational clients with 24-hour real time access to their worldwide policies and claims information. By providing a standard methodology and format for the collection of policy and claims information, GAMS clients can effectively manage and understand the company's total cost of risk.

GAMS data is globally consolidated, providing risk management teams with the ability to review policies for corporate compliance.

Key Benefits

  • Increased productivity, less time spent on account administration

  • Centralised data collection and consolidation

  • Reduced costs through the minimisation of coverage overlaps

  • Reduced exposures through the ease of identifying coverage gaps

  • Increased efficiency by automating paper-based processes.

Key Features

  • Real-time access, better management of policy and account information

  • Fast, efficient access to policy information. Accessed via AonLine, GAMS provides clients direct access to policy summaries for all global locations

  • Improved management and analysis of your global data. GAMS allows you to view your company's consolidated account information via reports such as global premiums and insured values in either local currency or rolled-up into the preferred client currency.