

Maximise retirement benefits while minimising risk

Aon’s Wealth Solutions team provides retirement, investment, actuarial, and financial wellbeing services that help organisations manage risk and optimise their employee offering in a constantly evolving environment.

At Aon, we equip you with knowledge and insights so you can make better decisions to help:

  • Enhance your superannuation offering
  • Improve employee financial wellbeing
  • Identify and minimise benefit liabilities

Market instability and regulatory changes can make it difficult to manage risks such as leave liabilities, support the financial well-being of your people, and understand where your super and insurance offerings sit compared to your competitors.

It can also be challenging to achieve optimal results for employees that align with business goals.


Aon wealth consultants can help future-proof your business by identifying risks and opportunities, and translating complex data into actionable insights.

  • Make better decisions across the full range of total reward packages including superannuation and life insurance.
  • Align your financial wellbeing strategy to your health and benefits [link to page] approach to streamline adminstration and offer a holistic approach to the way you care about your employees.
  • Leverage our global knowledge and reach and extensive actuarial experience to implement a multinational offering across your organisation.

How can we help you?

Super fund consulting
  • Education
  • Fund benchmarking
  • Investment strategy reviews
  • Tenders
  • Benefits benchmarking
Future-proof liabilities
  • Proactively monitor and de-risk:
    • Long-service
    • Defined benefit
    • Retirement
  • Actuarial services to help you make better, more sustainable, decisions.
Employee education
  • Financial wellbeing programs
  • Retirement information
Life insurance
  • Design and implement life insurance within the super environment.

Aon Contact


Saffron Sweeney
Head of Wealth Solutions, Pacific

[email protected]


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