Notification services: provides notification to individuals who are required, under a breach notice law, to be notified of a breach of their private information.
Call center services: provides a call center to answer calls from affected individuals about a breach following notification.
Breach resolution & mitigation services: provides credit monitoring, identity monitoring, or other solutions to fit the breach event to notified individuals. This also includes fraud resolution and fraud support services, where needed.
Computer expert services: in the event that external forensics assistance is needed to assess the impact of a data incident on your computer system, this provides computer expert services to help to determine whether, and the extent to which, notification must be provided to comply with breach notice laws, and, if applicable, give advice and oversight in connection with the investigation conducted by a PCI Forensic Investigator.
Legal services: if an incident occurs that might require notification under relevant breach notice laws or regulations, specific Legal Services are provided to assist you in investigating and responding to the incident.
Public relations and crisis management services: pays for specific costs which are directly related to mitigating harm to your reputation including the costs of a PR or crisis management consultant.