With Aon PROtect, you can take advantage of the group buying power of the entire UAP associate store network. We've designed a very competitively-priced package just for your group. And we've benchmarked the package against third parties and our own group programs to make sure you're getting a good deal.
Just as important, you will likely qualify for further discounts of up to 25%, depending on your risk profile. Discounts are substantial if, for example, you've been claims-free for at least five years, you have a monitored alarm, and you have sprinklers. Additional discounts are awarded to stores that have been in business for at least five years. The easy way to find out how deep your discount will be is to use our risk calculator.
How can you save even more? For the UAP associate stores we are also offering deductible options. You determine the amount of loss you are willing to absorb. The cost of your package drops accordingly. That is not usually offered in many similar policies.