Aon 2018 Global DC and Financial Wellbeing Survey - Canada Findings
2018 Global DC and Financial Wellbeing Survey examines various issues related to members' current financial health, retirement savings/pension plans and retirement expectations. The findings provide insights from the perspective of Canadian Capital Accumulation Plan (CAP) members and is the first year of this global research. The survey was conducted globally and covers the UK and US.
On the whole, the financial outlook of Canadian CAP members seems positive. But when we look at where members are with respect to their retirement goals and if they're on track to have the income they need, we find their perceptions not lining up with reality. A clear theme is that employees in these plans are concerned they will not be able to save enough to generate sufficient retirement income.
Contact your Aon consultant or with any questions or to learn more and discuss the impact of the findings on your organization.