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Construction Insurance
Aon understands that risk management and obtaining cost effective insurance solutions is challenging for those operating in the construction sector.
In recognition of the unique and often complex requirements of construction projects, Aon established the Aon Construction Division which is staffed by experienced personnel who are able to provide specialist insurance and risk management solutions for the unique issues faced by contractors.
Aon working for you, with you
We offer genuine knowledge of the construction industry and its issues. We appreciate the unique aspects of each project through the development of a range of products for the industries participants including owners, contractors, project managers, consultants, engineers and architects.
Aon has the skills in all construction disciplines and designs and develops products and services either on an annual or project specific insurance programmes in local and international jurisdictions including:
- Contract works, construction plant, marine and associated loss of revenue coverage
- Liability including products and professional indemnity
- Specialist cover including surety bonds and political risk
Aon leads innovation
Our substantial presence in the construction field both locally and internationally has enabled Aon to lead product innovation. We have been instrumental in designing solutions where traditional insurance does not respond, including:
- Project professional indemnity insurance solutions that provide "insured v. insured" protection, including liability protection in alliance or collaborative working agreements where a "no liability" regime exists.
- Development of project risk profiles to assist in the understanding and "selling" of risk to insurance markets.