Featured Aon Solutions and Risk Topics

In our ClientWorld space, Aon will once again have risk leaders and brokers on hand to discuss key marketplace risks and their potential impact on your risk program. This year, we will have dedicated areas and Aon representatives to discuss transaction liability (managing and protecting an organization’s acquisition), intellectual property protections (protecting a firm’s IP assets), as well as cyber risk exposure. Please take a moment to view the videos below and consider reaching out to your Aon representative to schedule a meeting. You can also contact us at [email protected].

Transaction Liability

Matt Heinz, Co-Practice Leader, Transaction Liability Solutions, shares the role his team plays in mitigating the risks associated with Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A). He also discusses the current marketplace and how Transaction Liability products, including reps and warranties insurance, tax insurance and litigation insurance can help clients mitigate the risks associated with M&A transactions, providing them with more favorable results before, during and after a deal.



Intellectual Property (IP)

Nick Chmielewski,  Head Broking Leader - Intellectual Property shares about Aon's capabilities with respect to Intellectual Property (IP). He also discusses the role that digital transformation plays in increasing risk, as well as opportunties for value creation and how Aon's IP Team supports clients with liability and infringment, as well strategies devised to use IP as collateral for future funding.



Cyber Solutions (CyQu)

Stephanie Snyder, Commercial Strategy Leader - Cyber Solutions, shares Aon’s holistic approach with clients to address cyber risk throughout the enterprise by assessing, quantifying, and transferring risks, as well as addressing risk on a proactive and reactive basis. Aon achieves this, in part, with its Aon Cyber Enterprise Solution® and, Cyber Business Interruption Plus (BI+) coverage concept, and Aon’s Cyber Quotient Evaluation (CyQu), a self-assessment tool that provides firms with a better understanding of cyber vulnerabilities so they may dedicate resources to help improve their cybersecurity posture.