Report wrongdoing/Whistleblower
There are other ways of contacting Aon for those reporting a wrongdoing/breach of Aon’s Code of Business Conduct. Aon encourages Aon non-employees to, in the first instance, contact its Aon contact person.
You can always contact Aon Ethics Helpline (available both to Aon employees and third parties). The report is done online or by phone and the reporting individual can chose to be anonymous.
The Aon Ethics Helpline is available in English but you can report in Swedish. The Aon Ethics Helpline is a third party system set up on behalf of Aon to document questions and whistleblower reports. An Aon Ethics Team or Aon HR colleague will be in receipt of your report and will initiate a review of the report.
Reporting Channel: the Aon Ethics Helpline can be contacted
online, or by calling 020-799 111. At the English prompt dial 877-384-4276.
You can also report a wrongdoing by e-mail: