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Read about us in the press


Data could save you millions providing you invest time and money, it really could
Aon’s David Pharo speaks to PMI magazine, Pension Aspects on how investing in your data now can save you millions in the future.

Pensions administration: doing the country proud
Gary Cowler joins Pensions Age expert roundtable as they reflect on the effects of the pandemic, GMP equalisation, small pots, artificial intelligence, simpler benefit statements and more.


In it together – January 2020
David Pharo and Thomas Williams explain the importance of partnership with your administration provider when de-risking, in this article first published in Pensions Age.



How to tackle your evolving administration challenges – December 2018
Gary Cowler looks at highlights from Aon’s new guide to pensions administration in this article, first published in Professional Pensions.

Tackling the effects of change – October 2018
Gary Cowler considers how freedom and choice is impacting member engagement in this article, first published in Pensions Age.



Aon outlines the LGPS challenges for 2018
Aon plc (NSYE:AON) has said that the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) faces six key challenges in 2018. Aon Media Center - December 2017

Aon says UK bulk annuity market is set to beat all records in 2018
Aon plc (NSYE:AON) is predicting that 2018 will be a bumper year for the UK bulk annuity market, with transactions reaching £30 billion for the first time. Aon Media Center - December 2017

Aon reveals five biggest pensions challenges facing DB schemes
As the start of another year approaches, Aon plc (NSYE:AON) has looked at what might unfold for UK pension schemes and has outlined its hopes and fears for them in 2018. Aon Media Center - December 2017

Aon reveals five biggest pensions challenges facing DB schemes
Aon plc (NYSE:AON) has identified the five biggest challenges that are currently hindering UK defined benefit (DB) pension schemes from delivering the best outcomes. Aon Media Center - November 2017

Aon advises Smiths Industries on £207m annuity with Canada Life
Aon plc (NYSE:AON), has advised the Smiths Group pension schemes on their seventh bulk annuity purchase. Aon Media Center - October 2017

Aon says pension schemes need to check their cyber resilience
Aon plc (NYSE:AON) has applied its Cyber Resilience Framework to UK pension schemes to help them review and manage their exposure to cyber risks. Aon Media Center - October 2017

Aon says admin’s role in risk settlement must not be under-estimated
Aon plc (NYSE:AON), has said that while good pensions administration practices are playing an important role in successful risk settlement exercises, many schemes are still not ready to move swiftly at a time when pricing is especially favourable. Aon Media Center - September 2017

Aon says stars are aligning in UK pension scheme bulk annuity market
Aon plc (NYSE:AON), has said that after a relatively slow start to the year, the second half of 2017 is shaping up to be a bumper period for the bulk annuity market. Aon Media Center - July 2017




Tackling the 10 biggest pensions administration challenges
There is never a shortage of challenges when it comes to administration. In this article, first published in Pensions Expert, Stephen Ruse looks at the top 10 challenges – as identified from our most recent survey – and how schemes can address them.

How many of the top 10 administration challenges do you recognise?
Stephen Ruse explores schemes' biggest administration challenges, and the ways to tackle them, in this article, first published at professionalpensions.com.




Schemes’ biggest administration concerns
Drawing on findings from our 2015 Pensions Administration Survey, Stephen Ruse looks at schemes’ biggest concerns and how they can tackle them. Pensions Expert, December 2015.

GMP reconciliation -necessary evil or opportunity for improvement?
In this article, first published in Pensions Expert, Matt Ashton-Smith examines the benefits of taking a proactive approach to the issue of GMP reconciliation.




GMP reconciliations: act now - Stephen Ruse explains why schemes need to take action now to meet HMRC's deadlines and take advantage of derisking opportunities. Pensions Expert, December 2014.

Admin: data is king - Stephen Ruse says accurate data is essential for schemes to address changes coming from the latest Budget. Professional Pensions, December 2014.

GMP reconciliations: why now is the time to act - There are good reasons for getting your GMPs in order now. Find out why you should be looking at this, and what steps you need to take. January 2014.




Why is 'now' the time to focus on better DC member outcomes? - Sophia Singleton takes a look at six key steps to help scheme sponsors and trustees ensure that member outcomes meet (and preferably exceed) expectations. PMI News, November 2013.

Aon welcomes Defined Ambition consultation but says more prioritisation is needed - Aon has welcomed the Department for Work and Pensions' (DWP) public consultation document on 'Reshaping Workplace Pensions for Future Generations'. However, it believes certain proposals need prioritising while there are still more questions than answers when it comes to improving DC provision. Press Release, 7 November 2013.

Reward has to boost employee engagement - In this article, first published in Employee Benefits, Andrew Woolnough explores how employers can get the most from their reward and benefits spend in austere times.

Outsourcing administration in today's pensions environment - In an article first published in Pensions Age, Colin Hamilton takes a look at Aon's 2013 Benefits Administration Survey to see what it tells us about today's attitudes towards pensions administration outsourcing. July 2013.

Aon survey shows increasing use of flexible benefits to improve employee engagement - Press release, 10 July 2013.

Time to focus on a happier retirement? - In this article, first published in Professional Pensions, Geraldine Brassett outlines how third-party administrators can help address this long-neglected problem, July 2013.

Online pensions: the future is here - How could pensions be administered and delivered in an increasingly online world? Geraldine Brassett investigates. June 2013.

Communication and engagement for DC pensions - Aon's Felicity Morgan looks at how thinking like an advertiser can help employers engage staff interest in their DC pensions, June 2013.

Flex is dead? Not a chance - Aon's Andrew Woolnough puts forward evidence to suggest that in fact, in today's demanding environment, flexible benefits can play a more important role than ever, June 2013.

Pension liberation fraud: protecting your members - Pension liberation fraud has become a big issue. How can trustees and scheme administrators help their members to avoid becoming victims? April 2013.

Aon survey confirms that more organisations expect to reduce DC contribution levels for auto-enrolment - Press Release. London, 3 January 2013.

The Autumn Statement - implications for pensions administration - The Chancellor's Autumn Statement brought changes that will impact pension scheme administration. Find out what needs to be added to your 'to do' list as a result.

Pensions administration your 2013 to do list - Looking ahead to 2013 what will be keeping you busy from a pensions administration perspective over the next twelve months?




Five Lessons - Professional Pensions, October 2012 Aon principal consultant Sophia Singleton reveals five key lessons employers can learn from the early implementors of auto-enrolment.

After the hype - Workplace Savings & Benefits, September 2012 Aon's Geraldine Brassett looks ahead to when the noise of auto-enrolment implementation has died down and asks how many employers will find themselves in a comfortable position.

Re-flex: Flashback to the 90s? - Workplace Savings & Benefits, September 2012 Aon's Lorna Bradford and Martha How look at how some of the key barriers to implementing international benefit strategies can be overcome.

More than just a hub - Professional Pensions, August 2012 Geraldine Brassett explains what employers should consider when choosing an auto-enrolment administration solution.

Aon's Benefits Administration Survey 2012 reveals use of flexible benefits continues to rise - Press Release. London, 3rd July 2012.

A change in the appetite for change - Pensions Age, June 2012 Geraldine Brassett explores whether regulatory change is driving a change within pensions administration

The times, they are a changin' - Workplace Savings & Benefits, June 2012 Aon's Lorna Bradford examines the many ways in which flexible benefits administration is changing for the better

217 days, 8 hours and 20 minutes - Pensions Week, June 2012

Auto-enrolment: Brace yourselves! - Professional Pensions, June 2012 However well-equipped to deal with the challenges of auto-enrolment you may feel, all employers will experience a short-term surge in worker contact at staging date and at each auto-enrolment period which will demand extra resource and flexibility. Geraldine Brassett, client director at Aon, outlines what help and support employers will need during this potentially challenging

Pensions administration and thought leadership - a contradiction in terms? - Engaged Investor, May/June 2012 Geraldine Brassett explains why trustees should treat their pensions administrator as a trusted adviser to be engaged with proactively

Realising the costs of auto-enrolment - Pensions Week, May 2012

Time to get real - Pensions Age, May 2012 Geraldine Brassett sets out the practicalities involved in implementing Real Time Information and why now is a good time to start

Aon Benefits Administration Survey 2012 finds employers increasingly prepared for auto-enrolment despite continuing uncertainty With auto-enrolment starting in 2012, Aon's Benefits Administration Survey 2012 reveals that, despite ongoing uncertainty around staging dates and implementation costs, 83 per cent of schemes had begun planning for implementation, up from 60 per cent in 2011.

For more information on Aon's administration solutions, or to request a copy of our Benefits Administration Survey, please email talktous@aon.com


Aon Solutions UK Limited - a company registered in England and Wales under registration number 4396810 with its registered office at The Aon Centre, The Leadenhall Building, 122 Leadenhall Street, London EC3V 4AN.

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