United Kingdom

Webinar Replay: DC Investment Masterclass Series: Understanding private markets and the impact of your provider’s approach

The new government is pushing hard for pension schemes to invest more in private market assets, to help boost UK economic growth as well as deliver better investment returns for members. And – although it is something that has become very topical over the last couple of years, we are now starting to see how the industry is responding to all of this, and the very different approaches being taken by some of the different providers.

This shift towards greater investment in private, less liquid assets reflects a big change for many schemes and one which can have an important impact on the future retirement outcomes for pension scheme members.

The latest PPI research estimated that, of the £540bn UK DC pension assets, over half is controlled by contract-based providers, which means that for those of you running a contract-based scheme, most of your members will be – or in some cases are already being – impacted by some of the changes which we cover in this webinar.

Sophie Moore, Chris Inman and Jit Parekh talk about :

  • what private markets are,
  • why this is relevant now,
  • key considerations for DC schemes,and
  • what different providers are doing:
Listen to the replay now



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