Aon Asia Expatriate Benefits Centre of Excellence
Aon’s Expatriate Centre of Excellence (Expat COE) empowers its clients through providing specialist technical & strategic advice to achieve sustainable cost savings, bespoke benefit designs, improved administration & regional compliance for their globally mobile employee programmes.
Aon’s Expatriate COE
The Aon Expatriate COE globally is comprised in four centres around the world. Each is staffed by a team of Aon professionals, each with significant expat medical experience. The Asia Expatriate COE can help clients achieve:
- Compliance for clients in locations with significant regulatory and political risk exposure
- Robust and competitively priced medical insurance cover fully integrated with each client’s security and assistance provisions
- Data insights to help clients achieve a balance between cost and talent management
- Integrated, smartphone enabled, member technology platforms across all countries
Common Client Challenges with Globally Mobile Employee populations
- Premium increases for medical plans consistently exceed general inflation rates
- Employees and their families are at times covered by more than one local, international or government scheme creating confusion, duplication or gaps in cover and inefficiencies
- No cover for pre-existing conditions
- Difficulty in accessing local providers without providing payment guarantees
- No centralised plan governance and uncertainty around compliance and regulation
Services provided by the Expatriate COE
- Build regionally compliant solutions
- Design and negotiate bespoke International medical, life and travel insurance plans
- Help clients establish a corporate governance framework through reporting and stewardship
- Detailed analysis of claims to identify trends, key cost drivers and opportunities for targeted wellness initiatives
Facing a backdrop of increasingly complex regulation and unlimited duty of care obligations, clients face significant risk exposure in relation to deploying employees to work outside their home countries. It is important to understand these risks and to develop a strategy to mitigate against them.
The potential cost of non-compliance to local regulations may result in a levy of fines, civil and criminal penalties along with risk of a judgement being issued and mandating the company’s immediate cessation of operations in the country.
The potential cost of not meeting Duty of Care obligations towards employees and their families may result in physical harm or illness to employees by having them work in unsafe environments, corporate brand damage, loss of productivity and profit.
The potential cost of not meeting Duty of Care obligations towards employees and their families may result in physical harm or illness to employees by having them work in unsafe environments, corporate brand damage, loss of productivity and profit.
Aon’s Expat COE in Asia is ready to help!