Geopolitical Volatility & People Risk Solutions

Geopolitical Volatility: Dealing with the Next Crisis
Businesses are operating in a complex and rapidly evolving situation. In the coming months, global economic contractions and geopolitical volatility will lead to further crisis events that need to be managed.
The global landscape is changing, companies are having to adapt to the new landscape. Aon’s innovative Geopolitical Volatility insurance solutions will give you immediate access to a range of global Responders (Control Risks, S-RM, NYA International). These Responders will provide you trusted advice that will support critical decision-making, assist in scenario planning and bring the right experts into your organisation.
Insurer Events Infographic 
Globally Mobile Employees (GMEs) & People Risk
In Asia Pacific (APAC), the prevalence of Globally Mobile Employees (also known as International Assignees) is on the rise and is expected to increase by 47% over the next 3 years. This will bring about exposure and a greater range of security and medical risks to a much larger percentage of the working population.
Aon Health Solutions welcomes the opportunity to discuss these issues with you in more detail and explain to you how we can help you identify, manage, and mitigate risks so as to better protect your people and operations, wherever they are in the world.
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