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Company Overview

Company Overview

Our offices are in the heart of Hong Kong's active financial center where we employ over 500 professionals. A number of our regional specialty professionals are based in the Hong Kong operation.

Our clients benefit from a comprehensive range of services including: retail broking, risk consulting, benefits consulting, reinsurance broking, all of which work interdependently with Aon's global resources.

Our Management Team

Meet our management team here

Our Business Structure

Aon Hong Kong Limited is the leading provider of risk management, insurance and reinsurance brokerage, and human resources solutions and outsourcing services in the SAR. Our relationships with various banks and financial institutions have led to the formation of a number of agency subsidiaries to look after individual institution's requirements. Aon Hong Kong Limited, Aon Benfield China Limited and other Aon's agency subsidiaries operate under the Aon group in Hong Kong.

Our Offices

Aon Hong Kong has dedicated regional and local staff to our offices in the city and Macau.

Our History and Facts

Aon has been present in Hong Kong via its predecessor companies Alexander & Alexander, Bain Hogg Limited and the Minet Group whose roots go back to 1680, building our present day position as the largest insurance broking and risk management consultancy in the Special Administrative Region. Our industry focus includes Automotive & Aviation, Construction, Education Services, Energy & Power, Entertainment & Media, Financial Services, Food & Beverage, Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals, Hotels, IT, Jewelry & Watches, Manufacturing, Marine & Logistics, Government & Public Services, Real Estate, Retail Business, Textile & Garment, Tourism & Leisure, Transportation and Yacht.

Our Online Services