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Public Sector

Public Sector


Aon Public Sector is a group of insurance and risk management professionals dedicated to supporting the principle that taxpayers funds are protected. This is achieved by ensuring that Public Sector works have cost effective insurance cover in place with secure insurance markets, supported by practical risk management measures so that the impacts of risk on cost, quality and schedule can be minimized. With significant projects in civil engineering and construction, housing development and healthcare, risk exposures can attach from a variety of sources and our integrated approach aims to identify, quantify, and transfer risk where it is advisable, desirable or necessary so that the benefits to the public and government can be enjoyed with minimal disruption and cost.


Our Capabilities


  • Contractors' All Risks
  • Employees' Compensation Wrap-up
  • Advance Loss of Profits/Delay in Start-up
  • Professional Indemnity
  • Directors' and Officers' Liability
  • Project Risk Assessment
  • Risk Control Engineering
  • Occupational Safety & Health
  • Business Continuity Managemen