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The Hospitality Industry faces new and growing challenges in Hong Kong, PRC and other parts of the world with increasing demand from customer's expectation as well as stringent regulatory requirement.  There is a very competitive environment due to economic uncertainty, rising cost and globalization.


Aon's expertise and commitment to the Hospitality Industry


Aon, as risk consultant and insurance broking expert, have deployed industry expertise through a team of dedicated & experienced industry practices which support our strong commitment to serve our clients in this sector.  Aon will provide risk management & risk transfer advice with tailor-made cost-effective risk solutions to address to clients' concern as well as value-added risk consulting services such as :


  • Total Cost of Insurable Risk Analysis
  • Risk Accounting especially in relation to the special areas of Business Interruption, Advanced Loss of Profits and Delayed Start-Up
  • Risk Control Engineering Services
  • Corporate Health & Safety - Work Injury Management
  • Supply Chain Risk Management
  • Rehabilitation Management
  • Business Continuity Plan