
Aon Benelux new sub-region led by CEO Philip Alliet


Rotterdam, 5 June 2024 - Today Aon announced that Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg will form a new Benelux sub-region as of 1 September, led by current CEO of Belgium and Luxembourg, Philip Alliet. Leonique van Houwelingen will stay on within the new sub-region as Senior Adviser for Aon Netherlands to ensure a proper handover to the new Benelux sub-region. Regulators and the works council have been informed.

Leonique van Houwelingen says: 'The upcoming changes have made me decide that it is time for me to move on and leave Aon Netherlands in the capable hands of Phillip Alliet. The successful transformation is a solid foundation to build on. I therefore leave Aon in good shape and remain available to advise Aon Netherlands. I am very grateful to all my Dutch colleagues, they have made my time as CEO of Aon Netherlands very special and unique.'

Gerard Hoetmer, chairman of the Aon Netherlands Supervisory Board said, 'We are very grateful to Leonique for successfully leading the team during Aon's transformation over the past 20 months, and for her commitment and valuable contribution during her time as CEO at Aon Netherlands. We are pleased that she will remain with Aon as Senior Adviser and will ensure a proper handover to Philip Alliet, the new CEO of the Benelux sub-region.