Casualty Risk Control

Casualty Risk Control

Our Services

Our Risk Control and Engineering group has a dedicated team of casualty risk control professionals with globally recognised qualifications in occupational health & safety. We are able to assist you to assess your casualty and general liability exposures and improve your health and safety programme based on best practice and international standards. Our services include:

  • Physical review of health and safety hazards and general liability exposures

  • Functional reviews of health and safety management systems

  • Development of health and safety programmes, policies & manuals

  • Training seminars on hazard identification and control, risk assessment, accident investigation, promoting positive health and safety culture, incident and accident investigation, etc.


An effective health and safety system will have many benefits, from creating a safe work environment for employees & contractors to reduced costs for injured workers, compliance support, and improved morale and productivity. Through regular reviews, gaps can be identified in the established system, highlighting opportunities for improvement, so that the system remains dynamic and continually enhanced.

  • Demonstrate to public, regulator, employees and shareholders that the organisation is committed to people safety and has a high standard on social responsibility

  • Improve understanding of liability risk and exposures

  • Cost and coverage advantages while placing liability insurances and health & benefit insurances for client.