Japanese Desk | Japan Group Singapore

Japanese Desk

エーオン・シンガポールには、日系企業に特化した専門部署(Japan Group Singapore)が存在し、シンガポールで展開する日本企業に対して、効率的かつ実行性の高いリスクマネジメントと保険の仲介を含むソリューションを提供しています。



Aon Japan Group Singapore (JGS) is the predominant provider of insurance-related services to the Japanese community in Singapore. JGS exists in order to respond to the special needs of Japanese-invested business and their expatriate employees.

Employing its own specialist and dedicated staff, JGS maintains access to the full range of specialist skills and experience provided within the Aon Group, which is the top Insurance Broking house in the world.

JGS is recognised as a preferred supplier of business by the Japanese Insurance market, largely due to the volume of business processed and the high quality of its clients. This position as a preferred supplier means that it obtains extremely competitive terms on behalf of its clients.

JGS is well placed to negotiate insurance solutions successfully on behalf of all participants in the Japanese sector.

  • 火災保険、オールリスク保険 (Fire, All Risk)

  • 取引信用保険、政治リスク保険 (Trade Credit, Political Risk)

  • 専門職業賠償責任保険 (Professional Indemnity)

  • 役員賠償責任保険 (Directors and Officers)

  • 建設工事保険、履行ボンド (CAR, Performance Bond)

  • 船舶保険 (Marine Hull)

  • 海上保険 (Marine Cargo)

  • シンガポール人スタッフ向けの医療保険 (Employee Benefit for Singaporean staff)