United Kingdom


Aon would like to thank Glasgow School of Art, Leeds College of Art and Manchester School of Art for their enthusiasm, support and contribution to this programme. Also, thank you to the members of the Aon Art Committee for volunteering and dedicating their time, and to Michael Boitier and Workplace Art Consultancy.


For more information, to request a brochure, or to be notified when the online auction opens, email iain.chapman@aonhewitt.com.

Adam Boyd adamboydstudio.com
Arthur Piddington arthurpiddington.com
Bertie Chapman bertiejachapman@hotmail.co.uk
Birk Thomassen cargocollective.com/birkthomassen
Celine Stonex celinestonex.wix.com/fineartist
Charles Eden salon.io/charleseden
Charlotte Henshaw charlhenshaw@yahoo.co.uk
David Howe cargocollective.com/david-howe-illustration
Diane King djkingwatercolours.co.uk
George Burgess burgressgeorge@hotmail.com
Georgina Clapham georginaclapham.com
Graham Rhind grahamrhind@hotmail.co.uk
Hugo Samengo-Turner hugosamengoturner.wordpress.com
Jacob Phillips cargocollective.com/jacobphillipsillustration
Jairaj Lall helloiamanartist.wordpress.com
James Cray jamescray.co.uk
Jeremy O'Connor jeremyhughphoto.com
Laura Watkins erniesandmillies2016.wix.com/eandm-memoirs
Molly Brocklehurst mollybrocklehurst.com
Oliver Williamson saatchiart.com/oomww
Paige Cottam paigecottam.moonfruit.com
Pauline Chorlton pauline.chorlton@hotmail.com
Rachel Petrie petrie.rb@gmail.com
Rebecca Lindsmyr rebeccalindsmyr.com
Ryan Egan ryaneganphoto.com
Sally Hornby sallyhornby.wix.com/sallyhornby
Sam Stopford samstopford.co.uk
Samuel Burke samfburke.com
Sara Cutler saracutler1@gmail.com
Sigita Morkunaite benhance.net/sigitamorkunaite
Stella Stewart stellaistewart.co.uk
Sume Leyden sumeleyden.com
Tristan White tristanwhite94.wix.com/twphotography
William Kneeshaw kneeshawphotography.com