United Kingdom

Implemented Consulting for DB Pension Schemes

Getting More from Your Time and Your Budget

Over the last two years, Aon has carried out a significant amount of research into the operational effectiveness of defined benefit (DB) pension arrangements. A number of companies, particularly those with small to medium sized schemes, feel that considerable resources are being dedicated to pensions, whilst meaningful progress against key strategic objectives may be relatively limited. Indeed respondents to our 2015 survey ‘Time to focus on getting things done’ highlighted that:

  • 70% if individuals responsible for pension schemes, feel decisions sometimes take months from being raised to being implemented
  • 60% believe there are frequently agenda items at trustee meetings that don’t require decisions
  • 40% think that they can’t consider new opportunities at short notice

Implemented Consulting is a framework that enables trustees and companies to set high-level strategic guidance and then lean more heavily on Aon to deliver against these actions with limited ongoing involvement.

Implemented Consulting is being used by our clients in many different ways and can help to:

  • Significantly reduce the amount of management time required on many pension matters, enabling a more strategic focus.
  • Provide quicker project execution.
  • Enable greater control over costs.

Click here to access our suite of Trustee Effectiveness tools.




Aon Solutions UK Limited - a company registered in England and Wales under registration number 4396810 with its registered office at The Aon Centre, The Leadenhall Building, 122 Leadenhall Street, London EC3V 4AN.

DB Pensions Solutions

To find out more about Implemented Consulting, and how you can achieve tangible and impactful results with your pension scheme, please speak to your usual Aon consultant or contact:

James Patten | Partner
+44 (0)113 291 5076

Andrew Grime | Principal Consultant
+44 (0)113 291 5078

Paul McGlone | Partner
+44 (0)1727 888613