United Kingdom

Public Sector Pensions: Scheme Employer Service


There is an ever increasing volume and diversity of employers participating in the LGPS. Therefore, we also offer a "Scheme Employer Advisory Service". This means that employers can obtain support and advice from experienced LGPS actuaries, focused on the specific needs of the employer, but independent of the Fund Actuary.

Advice typically provided by our Scheme Employer Service to LGPS fund employers and other public sector organisations are:

  • Helping employers understand the outsourcing process and the key decisions they need to make in relation to pensions
  • More detailed advice in relation to the outsourcing process such as the establishment of risk sharing arrangements, understanding the funding risks and assessment of bond requirements.
  • Indemnity bond arrangements – the nature of different arrangements and the procurement of different types of bonds. Aon Risk Services can provide further support in relation to procurement of indemnity bonds. Please click on this link for further details.
  • Provision of annual accounting figures and draft disclosures under accounting standards FRS17/102 or IAS19, including liaison with the auditor if required.
  • Information for invitations to tender and assessment of bids from prospective contractors
  • Advice relating to admissions to a LGPS Fund during the admissions process, throughout the contract and on exit. We provide support to both employers and letting authorities.
  • Advice on bulk transfer arrangements – both process and funding impact
  • Advice on funding strategy – understanding the strategy adopted by the Fund administering authority and any options available to employers.
  • Advice on investment strategy where the administering authority offers employer flexibility
  • Advice relating to exit from a LGPS Fund
  • Workforce planning and analysis
  • Advice on reward strategies

The team will be happy to assist in any type of enquiry from employers relating to public sector pension arrangements. If you would like the team's help please contact Joel Duckham at joel.duckham@aon.com or phone - 0117 900 4425.


Aon Solutions UK Limited - a company registered in England and Wales under registration number 4396810 with its registered office at The Aon Centre, The Leadenhall Building, 122 Leadenhall Street, London EC3V 4AN.

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