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Key Insights - Q2 2024

Law firm mergers have long been a popular topic among firm leadership. In today’s environment, it is not always the “merger math” that gets you to the deal, but rather, the human side of the merger discussion must find its comfort zone in any combination. Which leads us to one of our other topics this quarter, which is focusing on human capital. It’s what makes a firm tick. A then logical extension of that would be physical workplace security and its challenges. That will then lead us to cyber security and how do you find the point to best protect your firm and your client’s information?

Welcome to the Q2 2024 Law Firm Management Advisory. Please enjoy the read and share this edition with your colleagues.

The Professional Services Practice at Aon values your feedback. To discuss the specific topics raised in the Law Firm Management Advisory, please contact the authors through links at the end of each article.

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