United Kingdom

Contact Us

If you are a member of The Aon MasterTrust, or making an enquiry on behalf of a member, please use the contact details in the box below:

Already a Member of the Aon MasterTrust(AMT)?

  • Click here to access the member website and log into your account
  • call 0345 600 1871 for the Aon MasterTrust member contact centre

For all general enquiries or if you’re an Independent Financial Adviser please email the AMT mailbox:
or call 0345 600 1871.

Should you require any further help or support please contact Gaynor Bugh, DC Solutions Support, gaynor.bugh@aon.com

If you are a Company, or are representing a Company, and want more details about how The Aon MasterTrust may be a good fit for your employees’ needs, please use the contact details below.

Tony Britton

+44 (0)207 086 2979

Nigel Aston
Market Development Lead

+44 (0)207 522 3726

Jenny Swift

+44 (0)20 7086 8000


Aon Solutions UK Limited - a company registered in England and Wales under registration number 4396810 with its registered office at The Aon Centre, The Leadenhall Building, 122 Leadenhall Street, London EC3V 4AN.