United Kingdom

The Aon MasterTrust

Joining The Aon MasterTrust, a professionally-managed, multi-employer trust-based pension scheme, is one step employers may take to improve their scheme governance and performance and to meet their monitoring and reporting requirements.

The Aon MasterTrust draws on a combination of Aon's expertise in DC within the UK and globally, our market-leading investment expertise, and credentials in building strong governance frameworks. We offer a service delivered by experts and our expert guidance positions schemes to deliver better outcomes for their members - now and in the future.

For more information, email talktous@aon.com


Aon Solutions UK Limited - a company registered in England and Wales under registration number 4396810 with its registered office at The Aon Centre, The Leadenhall Building, 122 Leadenhall Street, London EC3V 4AN.