Aon Construction Professional Liability
Webinar Series | June 10th and 11th, 2021

Aon’s Construction Professional Liability team would like to invite you to attend our four-part webinar series the mornings of June 10th and 11th 2021. All sessions are open to our clients, prospects and our insurer partners.

The past two years have indeed been turbulent and the construction professional liability market was no exception. Numerous severe claims have been made, and paid, against both constructors and designers. Architects and Engineers have experienced a significantly hardening market with underwriters rapidly changing their appetite for many types of risks. Simultaneously, constructors are being asked/required to accept an ever increasing amount of risk due to the delivery models utilized by the owners with seemingly limited options to ventilate those financial perils. How best to recognize, respond and properly apportion those risks between constructors, designers, and the insuring markets during these times of uncertainty will be the overriding theme for our discussions.

We expect lively, but fruitful, discussions and hope that you can join us! In order to register for the program, please send an email to Karyn Hager at and provide your name, email address, and which sessions you will be attending (June 10th, June 11th or both). Karyn will then provide you with a registration confirmation and the link(s) for the program will be sent on June 8th through an Outlook calendar invite.

June 10, 2021

Session One – 8:30am to 9:45am CST

Design Risk in the Design-Build Delivery Model:
An autopsy of design claims

This panel will consider whether particular projects are causing more claims? How often is a design error the cause of a claim? Are overaggressive bids masquerading as design claims? Can alternative delivery models minimize/mitigate allegations of professional liability claims? Is Rectification coverage the answer to the Insured vs. Insured dilemma?

Moderator: Ante Petricevic

Adri van der Waart, Director Global Insurance,
Arcadis NV

Kristyn Smallcombe, Global Head Construction
Professional Indemnity and General Liability,
Swiss Re

Marie Huggins, Senior Risk Manager, Kiewit

Session Two – 9:45am to 11:00am CST

Claims: The Primary Driver of Market Changes

This panel will explore the emerging issues and trends which are triggering frequent and severe claims in the construction field. Industry experts will attempt to identify some of the root causes for these losses and potential anecdotes to assist in avoiding replication.

Moderator: Mark Peterson and Terry Tennant

Bob Rogers, Global Head of Construction
Professional Liability, AIG/Lexington

Lawrence Lejfer, Construction Professional
Profit Center Head, AXA XL

Michael Davis, Head of Construction
Professional Liability, Zurich


June 11, 2021

Session One – 8:30am to 9:45am CST

Choose Wisely: How the selection of your Joint Venture partner and delivery model impact professional liability coverage

This panel will investigate the risks associated with taking a leadership position in a Design-Build project—and particularly best practices related to addressing professional liability risk with your partners.

Moderator: Mark Peterson

Jim Kerns, Vice President
– Corporate Risk Management, Parsons Corporation

Mary Ann Krautheim, Vice President Insurance,
Skanska USA Civil

Patrick O'Connor, Vice President
of Risk Management, The Walsh Group

Session Two – 9:45am to 11:00am CST

Future Risks: Looking over the horizon

Will new technology improve design risks? How will designs change after the COVID-19 pandemic? The growth of modularisation in construction? What happens if the professional liability insurance market continues to harden? Will project specific insurance be available in the future?

Moderator: Michael Earp

Doug Hamilton, Vice President,
Architects & Engineers, AWAC

Eric Gernant, General Counsel,
Energy & Water, Ramboll Americas

Jana Ratnajothy, Professional Lines,
Convex Specialty Insurance