Mental health is a significant issue for businesses. Poor mental health can increase presenteeism and absence, negatively impact productivity, morale and engagement, and it costs UK employers up to £42 billion a year1.

But – what’s driving mental health issues?
Beyond the broad factors that influence us all, there are a wide range of drivers that can contribute to or cause mental health problems. Some of these issues can still be seen as taboo – discouraging employees to talk about mental health at work (and which often doubles the culture of silence around mental health).
The report provides:
- An exploration of the following taboo drivers of mental health:
- Divorce and separation
- 24/7 culture and the impact on sleep
- Working carers
- Drugs, alcohol and addiction
- Gender dysphoria
- Practical guidance to employers about building a strategy to improve mental health at work
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1 Thriving at Work Report,
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