Why is employee research / listening important?
We believe that your people are your most valuable asset, and taking the time to understand your employees will arm you with the data and insights to make better informed decisions and develop a more focused engagement and benefits strategy. The rewards of this can be far-reaching; positively impacting your employees motivation levels, attitudes, and loyalty, all of which help contribute to building a resilient and productive workforce.
Employee listening and feedback services Aon offer:
Surveys are a systematic and impartial way of collecting employee insight on a mass scale. Three different survey techniques we offer are:
- Standard multiple-choice survey - a mixture of open and closed questions, which can include question logic so that the responder answers questions based on a defined journey dependent on their responses.
- Pulse surveys - limited set of questions that should take employees only a few moments to complete. The pulse survey is repeated periodically, which allows for measurable comparisons to be made across the surveys.
- Reflection survey - our next-generation employee listening tool that uses neuro-science to understand how your employees truly feel on a deeper level, not just what they tell you, or think you want to hear. Bypassing unconscious bias so employers can understand true opinions of their colleagues.

Focus group facilitation (virtual or face-to-face) get beyond superficial answers to uncover deeper insights into perceptions, opinions and attitudes. As independent qualified moderators we create a safe environment for employees to be open and honest about their experiences and feelings. By guiding employees through a series of quantitative and qualitative questions and monitoring non-verbal behaviour such as expressions and tone of voice, we can provide a more in-depth study of your employees’ feelings. We can also test concepts and new approaches.
Our focus groups have helped clients:
- Gain insight into employees’ feelings at work
- Improve and introduce new ways to communicate to employees
- Implement changes into a business to improve engagement
- Shape a benefit package and wellbeing initiative
- Change a pension scheme and improve financial education
To find out more about our employee listening tools, get in touch >
Aon UK Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 00210725. Registered Office: The Aon Centre, The Leadenhall Building, 122 Leadenhall Street, London EC3V 4AN.