It’s important to offer your people great benefits. Of course it is. But that alone isn’t enough to get people engaged, to achieve the HR benefits you’d really like, or to make you an employer of choice - you know, all the things you started your benefits programme for in the first place.
Plus, Employee benefits are a significant investment, and it’s more important than ever to get the best return you can – for your organisation, and your people.
The good news is, people do still get excited about the benefits their employer gives them. We see it every day, in companies all around the world. But it takes a great strategy and relevant, personalised communications, with a technology platform that makes the whole thing engaging and easy to use. Here’s how we bring it all together.

Aon's Award-winning Technology
People need to see the value of their benefits, and you need to manage them efficiently. That’s what our system does.
Take a peek... »
Employee Benefit Design
The best approach to benefits design will depend on your people – and tailoring your strategy to suit them before you begin.
Here’s how... »
Employee Benefit Communications
Good communications are absolutely central to getting value from your benefits – they’re not an optional extra.
Discover why... »
Flexible Benefits
One size does not fit all. When your people can personalise their employee benefits, they can focus on things that matter most.
Be flexible... »
Financial Planning
Financial worries are one of the biggest causes of employee stress – but our secret weapon, “Well One money”, can help your employees stay in control of their finances.
Find out more... »
Voluntary Benefits
Voluntary benefits can be a cost-effective reward – but beware of overwhelming your people with too many offers.
Take a boutique approach... »
Strategic Consulting & Benchmarking
Gain an unbiased, expert view on your benefits strategy - and discover your organisation's unique Benefit Score.
A fresh perspective... »The Benefits Score
A quantitative way of measuring the success of your benefits strategy that gives you a score out of 100. This helps employers benchmark and address key considerations when designing and implementing their online benefits strategy.
Find out your Benefits Score... »Employee Benefits Engagement
Businesses and the people who make them are all different, meaning successful benefits engagement is going to mean different things to different people, – but there are some things we think most will agree on.
Get employee engagement tips now... »Benefits in the Digital Age
The world of work has been transformed over the last decade. The rise of technology, the internet and the super-computers that virtually all of us carry in our pockets have revolutionised our interactions with one another, the dynamic between employer and employee, and the way that we seize opportunities.
Find out how technology can solve your biggest HR challenges... »The Aon App
The Aon app can be tailored to suit the needs of your employees. Not a mobile responsive site like some others, but a true app that allows your employees access to everything on your existing online platform, in addition to being flexible enough to connect with any system that you want to include.
Find out more about The Aon App... »
Aon UK Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 00210725. Registered Office: The Aon Centre, The Leadenhall Building, 122 Leadenhall Street, London EC3V 4AN.