United Kingdom



Let us provide an independent, expert assessment of your pension scheme and strategy, including value for money, member support, and investment design… and calculate your Defined Contribution (DC) Scheme Score.

Running a DC pension scheme carries an inherent risk - with ever-changing regulations to satisfy and volatile investments to worry about. So it can be reassuring to invite an independent expert to confirm everything is as it should be.

With a UK-wide network of pensions experts, advising companies large and small, we're well placed to help.

Source: Aon Benefits and Trends Survey 2019

We'll look at your structures and personnel, understand your objectives, and tell you whether you're getting value for money by benchmarking against other schemes with similar goals.

Where it's appropriate, we'll also compare your scheme with the Pensions Regulator's own guidance about how to run a good Defined Contribution (DC) scheme, across seven key categories:

  • Your people - the governance committee, and their knowledge and actions;
  • Your governance - your controls, responsibilities, monitoring and security;
  • Your scheme's design - the contributions and retirement processes;
  • Your investment options - whether you meet your objectives, and the suitability of the options and default fund;
  • Your value for money - comparison with similar schemes, and the transparency you provide;
  • The safety of your assets - what risks you carry, and your disaster recovery plans;
  • Your communications - how clearly do you communicate with your members, and do they respond?

For a robust, objective measure, we'll also calculate your unique DC Scheme Score - showing how well you match up to best practice.

It's only sensible to give your pension scheme a check-up once in a while. Send us an email on letstalkbenefits@aon.co.uk, or call 0344 573 0033, and we'll book you in.




Aon UK Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 00210725. Registered Office: The Aon Centre, The Leadenhall Building, 122 Leadenhall Street, London EC3V 4AN.



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