Physical Wellbeing
Each year, one in six deaths are attributed to physical inactivity – and there’s a growing consensus that sedentary lifestyles are associated with poor health1.
Many employers are looking for ways to improve the physical health and wellbeing of their employees. Factors such as an ageing population, multigenerational workforces and employees increasingly working into their later years due to lack of retirement savings, mean it is not surprising that focusing on wellbeing, improving health behaviours and preventing disease are issues high on an employer’s agenda.
Without understanding the impact or addressing the key issues such as physical inactivity, poor nutrition and insufficient sleep, a company leaves themselves exposed to business risks such as higher absence rates, increased insurance costs and reduced productivity – inevitably impacting their bottom line.
Key advantages:
Helping improve employees’ physical health and wellbeing is good for business:
- Helps to reduce absence, absenteeism, and presenteeism
- Lower insurance costs due to a reduction in claims
- Increases engagement via tailored, targeted support and communications
- Helps companies meet their corporate responsibility goals

This presents a real opportunity for employers; understanding the business impact of poor physical wellbeing provides a business case for positive change.
“It’s more important than ever to help your employees take an active approach to their health.”
- Mark Witte, Head of Health and Risk
Expert support in improving employees’ physical health and wellbeing
We provide expert support and consultancy on ways to improve the physical health and wellbeing of your workforce, including:
- Identifying your firm’s key health risks
- Designing a health and wellbeing strategy, tailored to your employees
- Benchmarking existing health and risk benefits offerings against your competitors
- Reducing premium costs by brokering the best possible deal for health and risk insurances
- Identify opportunities where additional health benefits could support physical wellbeing
- Manage employee health effectively with our occupational health service
- Educate employees on a range of health factors, such as nutrition, fitness, and preventative techniques
- Communicate effectively with your workforce to improve benefit take-up
Across prevention, early detection, treatment and long-term support we can provide the expertise, tools and experience to support your health and wellbeing strategy.

1British Heart Foundation
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