Human Capital Analytics

Human Capital Analytics
Capability Overview

Human Capital Analytics

Unlock the full potential of your workforce data to drive better decisions.

Protect and Grow Your Business with Human Capital Analytics

Every business, regardless of location or industry, is navigating an increasingly complex and volatile world, making it harder to grow and maintain operational resilience. In this context, improving workforce performance is central to ensuring strong business performance. If you can harness and understand your workforce data, you can make more informed decisions about where to invest.

How can human capital analytics help? While you can’t predict the future, you can prepare for change. Human capital analytics give organizations the insights they need to protect and grow their business by identifying areas of risk and opportunities for transformation. Importantly, human capital analytics allow organizations to act quickly whether that is data analysis to make the right decisions or identifying the practical steps to optimize workforce actions.

Using Human Capital Analytics to Make Better Decisions

  • Transforming the Workforce

    Use human capital analytics to inform large-scale technology investments and workforce reskilling by identifying where future skills potential is hidden by region and job role.

  • Optimizing Benefits Costs

    Analyze benefits data to determine what benefits employees need and want. Structuring new benefits programs to deliver higher employee satisfaction ratings and at the same time cost savings for the business.

  • Steering Pensions Outcomes

    Evaluate pension and investment data to help employees manage their retirement planning. Supporting organizations to manage their pension liabilities to deliver on their investment strategy.

Diving Deeper into How Analytics Can Inform Your Strategy

Talent and Rewards

Our talent and rewards analytics give leaders the insights they need to make better decisions on attracting, retaining and engaging their workforce. Some of the challenges we can help you address include:

  • Monitoring hiring and retention trends across your workforce and target talent pools
  • Understanding current total rewards trends and practices
  • Identifying future workforce skills
  • Tracking key environmental, social and governance (ESG) metrics
  • Defining and assessing progress toward diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) goals
  • Undertaking workforce transformation
  • Improving the overall resilience of your workforce

Explore our full set of talent and rewards capabilities here.

Health and Benefits

Our health and benefits analytics give leaders the insights they need to make better decisions on optimizing benefit spend and outcomes. Some of the challenges we can help you address include:

  • Analyzing and predicting long-term healthcare costs and trends
  • Enabling delivery of personalized health and benefits options based on data
  • Understanding total cost of benefits trends
  • Monitoring statutory and non-statutory benefits practices
  • Leveraging Aon's Well One platform to monitor financial wellbeing indicators
  • Creating comprehensive and effective workplace wellbeing programs

Explore our full set of health and benefits capabilities here.

Pensions and Retirement

Our pension and retirement analytics give leaders the insights they need to make better decisions on maximizing alignment between employee needs and company offerings. Some of the challenges we can help you address include:

  • Analytics to optimize and communicate personalized investment strategies
  • Tools to help employees achieve financial wellbeing via savings goals and plans
  • Insights on plan design options and trends, plus cost implications, informed by actuarial and market analysis
  • Helping employers mitigate risk by better understanding pension liabilities and building plans that enhance retiree readiness

Explore our full set of pensions and retirement capabilities here.

Better Decisions Through Analytics

Harnessing Aon's human capital analytics capabilities, which unite data from across your entire workforce, will give you the foundation needed to build a resilient organization, empowering you to make better decisions to protect and grow your business.

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