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What’s driving mental health issues? – Take Aon’s Mini Quiz

Beyond the broad factors that influence us all, there are a wide range of drivers that can contribute to or cause mental health problems. Some of these issues can still be seen as taboo to discuss, which often means a doubling of the culture of silence around mental health, and an even greater negative impact on people’s lives and mental health.

We’ve put together a mini quiz to test your knowledge on some of the main mental health drivers and some interesting stats behind them.

Take the mini quiz now… some of the answers may surprise you, and you’re bound to learn a thing or two along the way!

What’s driving mental health issues?

  1. Question 1 of 6


    What was the average total debt per UK household in September 2018?

    • Correct!
      Did you know? According to UK money statistics from the Money Charity(1), the average total debt per household, including mortgages , was £59,008 in September 2018. Per adult in the UK that’s an average debt of £30,819, around 113% of average earnings.
      1.The Money Charity, The Money Statistics November 2018.

    • IncorrectThe correct answer is: £59,008Did you know? According to UK money statistics from the Money Charity(1), the average total debt per household, including mortgages , was £59,008 in September 2018. Per adult in the UK that’s an average debt of £30,819, around 113% of average earnings.
      1.The Money Charity, The Money Statistics November 2018.

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  2. Question 2 of 6

    Divorce Seperation

    What percentage of divorces happen to people of working age?

    • Correct!
      Did you know? Over 90% of divorces happen to people of working age, and census data indicates that around 72% of the adult household population is either married or cohabiting(2). Relationship breakdown therefore largely affects those in work, and a culture of silence on the subject, or lack of support, will only deepen the problem for the mental health of those affected.
      2.Calculation performed by Dialogue First using ONS tables DC1107EW and DC1108EW.

    • IncorrectThe correct answer is: 90%Did you know? Over 90% of divorces happen to people of working age, and census data indicates that around 72% of the adult household population is either married or cohabiting(2). Relationship breakdown therefore largely affects those in work, and a culture of silence on the subject, or lack of support, will only deepen the problem for the mental health of those affected.
      2.Calculation performed by Dialogue First using ONS tables DC1107EW and DC1108EW.

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  3. Question 3 of 6

    Bullying & Harassment

    Bullying and harassment is behaviour that makes someone feel intimidated or offended. Harassment is unlawful under the Equality Act 2010. What does the Equality Act 2010 class as examples of bullying or harassing behaviour:

    • Correct!
      Did you know? Bullying itself is not against the law, but harassment is(3). This is when the unwanted behaviour is related to one of the following:

      • age
      • sex
      • disability
      • gender reassignment
      • marriage and civil partnership
      • pregnancy and maternity
      • race
      • religion or belief
      • sexual orientation


    • IncorrectThe correct answer is: all of the aboveDid you know? Bullying itself is not against the law, but harassment is(3). This is when the unwanted behaviour is related to one of the following:

      • age
      • sex
      • disability
      • gender reassignment
      • marriage and civil partnership
      • pregnancy and maternity
      • race
      • religion or belief
      • sexual orientation


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  4. Question 4 of 6


    What percentage of people aged 16 and over in England report feelings of loneliness often or always?

    • Correct!
      Did you know? In a recent ONS study(4), younger adults aged 16 to 24 years reported feeling lonely more often than those in older age groups, and women reported feeling lonely more often than men. Those single or widowed were at particular risk of experiencing loneliness more often and in addition, people in poor health or who have conditions they describe as “limiting” were also at particular risk of feeling lonely more often.
      4.ONS, Community Life Survey, August 2016 to March 2017.

    • IncorrectThe correct answer is: 5%Did you know? In a recent ONS study(4), younger adults aged 16 to 24 years reported feeling lonely more often than those in older age groups, and women reported feeling lonely more often than men. Those single or widowed were at particular risk of experiencing loneliness more often and in addition, people in poor health or who have conditions they describe as “limiting” were also at particular risk of feeling lonely more often.
      4.ONS, Community Life Survey, August 2016 to March 2017.

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  5. Question 5 of 6

    Drug & Alcohol Misuse

    How many of those who experience a mental illness during their lives will also experience a substance use disorder, and vice versa?

    • Correct!
      Did you know? Alcohol, drugs and other substances of an addictive nature can often be used as coping or escape mechanisms for existing mental health problems. It’s clear substance abuse has a significant negative effect on the individual both personally and in a work capacity, and can make them vulnerable, as well as potentially putting others at risk(5).
      5.Alcohol May Not Help: Alcohol’s Impact on Your Mental Health’, PsychCental, 2014.

    • Incorrect!The correct answer is: Around halfDid you know? Alcohol, drugs and other substances of an addictive nature can often be used as coping or escape mechanisms for existing mental health problems. It’s clear substance abuse has a significant negative effect on the individual both personally and in a work capacity, and can make them vulnerable, as well as potentially putting others at risk(5).
      5.Alcohol May Not Help: Alcohol’s Impact on Your Mental Health’, PsychCental, 2014.

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  6. Question 6 of 6

    Sleep Deprivation

    Adults who sleep less than six hours a night have a [blank]% higher mortality risk than adults who get their minimum of 7 hours.

    • Correct!
      Did you know? Sleep is a necessity, but our 24/7 culture and the technology that allows us to be connected and work at almost any hour, plus the stresses of modern life, are taking a toll. The impact on business is significant, too - the cost of lost sleep to the UK is estimated to be around £30bn each year, with 200,000 working days lost annually(6).
      6.RAND Europe.

    • IncorrectThe correct answer is: 13%Did you know? Sleep is a necessity, but our 24/7 culture and the technology that allows us to be connected and work at almost any hour, plus the stresses of modern life, are taking a toll. The impact on business is significant, too - the cost of lost sleep to the UK is estimated to be around £30bn each year, with 200,000 working days lost annually(6).
      6.RAND Europe.

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