There's no escaping it: the challenge of providing great employee healthcare and risk benefits for your people has changed. Premiums and risks are increasing, and often the benefits aren't appreciated by employees either, so they don't even help you reward and retain your people as well as they once did.
That doesn't mean it's time to stop – quite the opposite – but it is time for a new, smarter approach. Like going beyond just broking, really understanding your objectives and diving into your data to manage your risks – both now, and in the future.

Healthcare & risk consultancy
Getting the best value for your investment depends on understanding your objectives and your people – plus a dash of lateral thinking.
Find out why... »
Being one of the largest employee benefits brokers does have its advantages – like securing you the right blend of competitive prices, policies, and T&Cs.
And that's not all... »
Benchmarking & analytics
Our data tools can compare your scheme against others in your market, and even help you predict, and change, your future risk.
Here's how... »
Wellbeing: financial, physical, social and mental
Active steps to make sure your people are happy, healthy and financially sound. It's good for your people, and good for business.
Reduce your risk... »
Policy management
We work hard to make sure you never notice our policy management.
Peek behind the scenes... »The Aon Occupational Health Service
Aon’s invested heavily to develop our own Aon Occupational Health Service, following a comprehensive review of provider options in the market. We leveraged the scale of Aon’s portfolio to negotiate competitive terms for our clients.
Find out what we can deliver »The Contemporary Drivers of Mental Health
Some mental health drivers can still be seen as taboo to discuss, which often means a doubling of the culture of silence around mental health, and an even greater negative impact on people’s lives and mental health. We have selected a range of contemporary and taboo drivers of poor mental health to highlight the dynamic nature of our mental health, and to illustrate the need for a broader, more comprehensive approach to improving mental health through the workplace.
Find out more »
Aon UK Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 00210725. Registered Office: The Aon Centre, The Leadenhall Building, 122 Leadenhall Street, London EC3V 4AN.